Manufacturing | Computer Science homework help


EX16_XL_COMP_GRADER_CAP_AS – Manufacturing 1.5

Project Description:

You have recently become the CFO for Beta Manufacturing, a small cap company that produces auto parts. As you step into your new position, you have decided to compile a report that details all aspects of the business, including: employee tax withholding, facility management, sales data, and product inventory. To complete the task, you will duplicate existing formatting, utilize various conditional logic functions, complete an amortization table with financial functions, visualize data with PivotTables, and lastly import data from another source.

Steps to Perform:




Points    Possible



Start   Excel. Open eApp_Cap2_Manufacturing.xlsx   and save the workbook as ACC2343_Final_Manufacturing_LastFirst.



Group all the worksheets in the   workbook and fill the range A1:F1 from the Insurance worksheet across all   worksheets maintaining the formatting. Ungroup the worksheets after the fill   is complete and ensure the Insurance worksheet is active.
  Hint: -All worksheet grouped
  -Value from range A1:F1 filled across all worksheets
  -Same format maintained across all worksheets
  -Worksheets ungrouped




Click   cell I5 and enter a function that determines the number of full-time   employees, (FT).
  Hint: -Function in cell I5 uses the right cells
  -Function used the right conditional Count function




Enter a function in cell I6 that   determines the average salary of all full-time employees. Format the results   in Accounting Number Format.
  Use DAVERAGE(…….).
  -Function entered in I6 uses correct cells
  -Function calculates average salary of all full-time employees
  -Accounting number format applied to result




Enter   a lookup function in cell E5 that returns the tax deduction amount for the   number of dependents listed in the cell C5. Use the table in range   H13:I17 to complete the function. The maximum deduction is $500.00;   therefore, employees with more than four dependents will
  receive no additional deductions.
  Hint: -Used suggested type of Lookup function (VLOOKUP) to return correct   value.
  -Absolute cell reference, and relative cell reference must be used in their   places to get the complete marks here.




Use Auto Fill to copy the   function down, completing column E. Be sure to use the appropriate cell   referencing. Format the data in column E with the Accounting Number Format.
  Hint: -Auto fill used to copy function down column
  -Appropriate cell referencing (absolute cell reference, and relative cell   reference must be used in their places to get the complete marks here)
  -Data in column E formatted with Accounting Number format




Enter   a logical function in cell F5 that calculates employee FICA withholding. If   the employee is full-time and has at least one dependent, then he or she pays   7% of the annual salary minus any deductions. All other employees pay 5% of   the annual salary minus any deductions. Copy the function down through column   F. Format the data in column F with Accounting Number Format.
  = IF (AND (logical 1, logical 2….))
  -Logical function in cell F5 calculate FICA withholding-Full-time (FT)   employee with at less 1 dependent pays 7% of the annual salary minus any   deductions.
  -Other employees pay 5% of the annual salary minus any deductions
  -Cell reference I20 and I21 correctly
  -Function copied down column F
  -Data in column F formatted with Accounting Number format




Apply conditional formatting to   the range C5:C34 that highlights any dependents that   are greater than 3 with Light Red Fill and Dark Red Text.
  In the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting.

  -Conditional formatting applied to range C5:C34
  -Dependents greater than 3 highlighted
  -Light Red Fill
  -Dark Red Text




Click   cell H10, and enter an AVERAGEIFS function to determine the average salary of   full-time employees with at least one dependent. Format the results in Accounting Number   Format.
  AVERAGEIFS (average-range, criteria-range1, criteria….)

  -AVERAGEIFS function used correctly
  -Returns average salary of full-time employees with at least one dependent
  -Result formatted with Accounting number format




Use Advanced Filtering to   restrict the data to only display full-time employees with at least one   dependent. Place the results in cell A37. Use the criteria in the range   H24:M25 to complete the function.
  On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Advanced.
  -Advance filtering used correctly
  -Criteria in range H24:M25 used to complete function
  -Results placed in cell A37




Ensure   that the Facilities worksheet is active. Use Goal Seek to reduce the monthly   payment in cell B6 to the optimal value of $6000. Complete this task   by changing the Loan amount in cell E6.
  On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click What-If Analysis.
  -Goal seek used properly
  -Monthly payment is reduced to S6000.
  -Loan amount in cell E6 changed correctly




Create the following three   scenarios using Scenario Manager. The scenarios should change the cells B7,   B8, and E6.

  B7 = .0325
  B8 = 5
  E6 = 275000

Most Likely
  B7 = .057
  B8 = 5
  E6 = 312227.32

  B7 = .0700
  B8 = 3
  E6 = 350000

  Create a Scenario Summary Report based on the value in cell B6. Format the   new report appropriately.
  Hint: On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click What-If Analysis,   Scenario Manager
  –Three scenarios created with
 -Correct name
 -Correct values
  -Summary Report is based on the value in cell B6
  -New report formatted appropriately



Ensure   that the Facilities worksheet is active. Enter a reference to the beginning   loan balance in cell B12 and enter a reference to the payment   amount in cell C12.
  Hint: -Facilities worksheet is active
  -Reference to beginning loan balance in cell B12
  -Reference to payment amount in Cell C12




Enter a function in cell D12,   based on the payment and loan details, that calculates the amount of interest   paid on the first payment. Be sure to use the appropriate absolute, relative,   or mixed cell references.
  The function is =IPMT(rate, per, nper, – pv, [fv], [type]).
  -Correct cell referenced in the IPMT function to calculate the amount of   interest paid on first payment
  -Appropriate cell referencing (absolute cell reference, and relative cell   reference must be used in their places to get the complete marks here)
  -Function in D12 return correct value




Enter   a function in cell E12, based on the payment and loan details, that   calculates the amount of principal paid on the first payment. Be sure to use   the appropriate absolute, relative, or mixed cell references.
  The function is =PPMT(rate, per, nper, – pv, [fv], [type]).
  -Correct cell referenced in the PPMT function to calculate the amount of   principal paid on first payment
  -Appropriate cell referencing (absolute cell reference, and relative cell   reference must be used in their places to get the complete marks here)
  -Function in E12 return correct value




Enter a formula in cell F12 to   calculate the remaining balance after the current payment. The remaining   balance is calculated by subtracting the principal payment from the balance   in column B.
  Hint: -Formula in cell F12 used correct cells
  -Displayed correct result




Enter   a function in cell G12, based on the payment and loan details,   that calculates the amount of cumulative interest paid on the first payment.   Be sure to use the appropriate absolute, relative, or mixed cell references.
  The function is =-CUMIPMT(rate, nper, pv, start_period,   end_period, type).
  -Correct cell referenced in the CUMIPMT function to calculate the amount of   cumulative interest paid on the first payment
  -Appropriate cell referencing (absolute cell reference, and relative cell   reference must be used in their places to get the complete marks here)
  -Function in G12 return correct value




Enter a function in cell H12,   based on the payment and loan details, that calculates the amount of   cumulative principal paid on the first payment. Be sure to use the   appropriate absolute, relative, or mixed cell references.
  The function is =-CUMPRINC(rate, nper, pv, start_period,   end_period, type).
  -Correct cell referenced in the CUMPRINC function to calculate the amount of   cumulative principal paid on the first payment
  -Appropriate cell referencing (absolute cell reference, and relative cell   reference must be used in their places to get the complete marks here)
  -Function in H12 return correct value




Enter   a reference to the remaining balance of payment 1 in cell B13. Use the   fill handle to copy the functions created in the prior steps down to complete   the amortization table.
  Hint: -Value in B13 is a cell reference to Remaining Balance of Payment 1   (That is B13 cell reference F12
  -Fill handle used to copy the above functions (functions created in step# 13   to step# 19) down to complete amortization table




Ensure the Sales worksheet is   active. Enter a function in cell B8 to create a custom transaction number.   The transaction number should be comprised of the item number listed in cell   C8 combined with the quantity in cell D8 and the first initial of   the payment type in cell E8. Use Auto Fill to copy the function down,   completing the data in column B.
  The function is =C8&D8&LEFT(E8,1).
  -Sales Worksheet active
  -Function created in B8
  -Function returns
 -item number listed in cell C8
 -combined with the quantity in   cell D8 and
 -the first initial of the payment   type in cell E8.
  -Auto Fill used to copy the above function down to complete in column B




Enter   a nested function in cell G8 that displays the word Flag if the Payment Type   is Credit and the Amount is greater than or equal to $4000. Otherwise, the   function will display a blank cell. Use Auto Fill to copy the function down,   completing the data in column G.
  The function is =IF (AND (logical 1, logical 2….),   )
  For example: IF (AND (E8=”Credit”, logic   2),”Flag”,””)
  -Nested function in cell G8 has correct criteria
  -Nested function in cell G8 has correct cell references
  -Nested function in cell G8, displays word “Flag” if
 -Payment Type is Credit and
  – Amount is greater than or equal to   $4000
  -Nested function in cell G8, displays a blank cell for other conditions
  -Auto Fill used to copy the above function down to complete in column G




Create a data validation list in   cell D5 that displays Quantity, Payment Type, and Amount.
  On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Data Validation, Allow, List
  -Data list created in cell D5
  -List has Quantity, Payment Type, and Amount




Type   the Trans# 30038C in cell B5, and select Quantity from the validation list in cell D5.
  Hint: -Trans# 30038C in cell B5
  -Validation List Quantity displayed in cell D5




Enter a nested lookup function   in cell F5 that evaluates the Trans # in cell B5 as well as the Category in   cell D5, and returns the results based on the data in the range A8:F32.
  Use function INDEX() and MATCH().
  -Nested lookup function in cell F5
  -Evaluates Trans # in cell B5, Category in cell D5
  -Returns results based on date in range A8:F32




Create   a PivotTable based on the range A7:G32. Place the PivotTable in cell I17 on   the current worksheet. Place Payment Type in the Rows box and Amount in the   Values box. Format the Amount with Accounting Number Format.
  On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, select PivotTable.
  -Range A7:G32 used to create PivotTable
  -PivotTable placed in cell I17 in current worksheet
  -Payment Type in the Rows box area
  -Amount in the Values box area
  -Amount formatted with Accounting Format




Insert a PivotChart using the   Pie chart type based on the data. Place the upper-left corner of the chart   inside cell I22. Format the Legend of the chart to appear at the bottom of   the chart area. Format the Data Labels to appear on the Outside end of the   chart.

  Note, Mac users, select the range I18:J20, on the Insert tab, click   Recommended Charts, and then click Pie. Format the legend, and apply the data   labels as specified.
  On the Analyze tab, in the Tools group, click PivotChart.
  -Create PivotChart Pie Chart based on above data
  -Upper-left corner of the PivotChart Pie Chart placed in cell I22
  -Legend of PivotChart formatted to appear at the bottom of Chart area
  -Data Labels to appear on the Outside end of the chart




Insert   a Slicer based on Date. Place the upper-left corner of the Slicer inside cell   L8.
  On the Insert tab, in the Filters group, and click Slicer.
  -Slicer based on Date from PivotTable
  -Upper-left corner of the Slicer in cell L8
  -Slicer has right values




Ensure the Inventory worksheet   is active. Import the Access database eApp_Cap2_Inventory.accdb   into the worksheet starting in cell A3.

  Note, Mac users, download and import the delimited Inventory.txt file into the worksheet starting in cell A3.
  Use the tools on the Data tab to import the file as specified.
  On the Data tab, in the Get & Transform Data group, click Get Data, From   Database, From Microsoft Access database, Load

  -Database file imported to Inventory worksheet
  -Table starts from cell A3
  -Table has right headings and data




Create   a footer with your name on the left, the sheet code in the center, and the   file name on the right for each worksheet.
  Hint: -For each worksheet:
 -Name on left side of footer
 -Sheet code in the Center
 -File name on the right side




Save and close the file. Submit

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